Friday, March 13, 2020

Learning Ideas While at Home!

Hi Everyone!

     First, I am going to miss all of you while we stay home over the next two weeks! Please make sure to play, be creative, help around the house, and get outside for some fresh air. I look forward to giving you all a big hug when we are back at school!
      Second, I was thinking that you would be looking for some learning ideas while at home so you can continue to practice what you have been learning in school! You all know that practice is so very important when reading, writing, and solving math problems. 
Here are some suggestions for things you might do while hanging out at home:

•Visit    class name : kdupuis7     password: hlc123
*I love this FREE resource from Scholastic. It lines up perfectly with our curriculum! The link below is for preK/K, though lessons range from preK-6 plus. Please take a look as I'm sure the kids would love the experiences and be truly engaged.
*Snuggle up and read a good book with your family. Then, talk about what happened or what you learned.

*Send me an email.
*Write me a letter, poem, story and send to 26 Appleton Lane Boxford, MA 01921
*DRAW, then storytell, then write... just like we are practicing in school.
*Make lists of short vowel words (3 letter consonant-vowel-consonant words). ex. short a: cat, tap, man, dad

*Count groups of things up to 30.
*Practice writing your numbers to 30. Make sure that your numbers are facing the right way.
*Play War or Go Fish with cards.
*Grab a dice and pennies. Take turns rolling a dice and see who can get to 30 first.
*I'm going to send you a math challenge each week day.

Check out these Mystery Science kindergarten science lessons. We love Doug! We are currently learning about animals and plants.

Social Studies
Make a list of jobs in the community. Talk about why each job is important.

Play inside and outside, build things, create some art, and bake with your family. I can't wait to see you when we are all back at Cole School! Please let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Dupuis

*Ideas in graphics below by Alexandra Gelles Etscovitz

Cole School Thanksgiving Day Parade❣️

 Hi Families, We learned all about the history of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and how the balloons are created. So we planned, sk...